Campaign Manager - Segments


A Segment Document is a query rule definition that when executed, creates a group of records by applying a set of rules to a data-set at that time. Saving a document saves the segment rule but does not save the results of the query, as these will be recalculated on each access and execution of the segment document. When building segments in the Segments applications Segment Builder screen the segment documents can be saved to a segment library of use in other areas of the application such as Campaign Designer or Insights.

Segment documents can perform in two ways and are saved as either Standard Segments or Master segments, depending on their usage. When saved and view, they will have one of two icons:

STANDARD Segment Documents

A standard Segment is created by default and is a stand alone single document. If you edit a segment that is already being used by a campaign, the segment in the existing campaign is not affected by the changes you make in Segment Builder. This is because when you add a segment to a campaign from Segment View, a local copy is created in that campaign.

Master segment documents

Master segments are used across multiple campaigns. You can only create and edit Master Segments if your administrator has given you permission. When used in a campaign, any changes made to Master Segment documents will be applied to all campaigns using that Master Segment.


As well as creating segments in the Segment Builder screen, the same user interface is used to create segments used directly in a campaign audience or an Insight. In those cases these are segments local to that application and are not available in the Segment Library storage.

Segment View

The Segment View screen is the first screen visible when entering teh Segments application and give a folder based view of all Segment documents..

Click the Segments option on the slide out pane:

This will open the Segment View screen:

The left-hand panel allows you to navigate your folder structure. You can also create new folders, as well as rename, move and delete existing folders using the buttons at the top of the panel.

The right-hand panel displays the Segment Documents stored in the currently selected folder. Only Segment documents created in the Segment Builder interface are displayed.


When you add a Standard Segment to a campaign audience, a copy of that segment is made at that point in time and copied in to that Campaign. Any later changes made to the original segment document will not be reflected in any Campaigns that have used a copy of that segment.

If you do not want this behavior and want segment documents to be globally available and changes made to them reflected in the Campaigns that use them, you should use Master Segments.

From this screen, you can perform the following actions:

Note: If you do not see the edit icon next to Master Segment documents, you do not have permission to edit them. If you have permissions and do edit a Master Segment, all campaigns that use the document will have their segment logic updated.
  • To view the actual records that are in a Segment, use the Record Viewer icon next to the required Segment.
Note: You can create Segments within a Campaign (not using Segment Builder). A Segment created in a Campaign exists only in that Campaign only not as a separate Segment Document. You can save Segments created in a Campaign using Save As. This saves a copy of the Segment in the Segment Library.
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